Saturday, April 24, 2010

Natural Methods to Cure Lung Cancer

Can Your Diet Cause Cancer?

What do you or most people know about the foods consumed in their everyday dietary routines? One can easily find on labels the informative facts of sugars, carbohydrates, and fatty contents in our foods and whether they are beneficial or not, but how do these foods affect your natural flora.

Just because you feel you may be health conscious and maintain a healthy body weight mass, you also need to improve the knowledge to fungus and yeasts that overrun your body causing diseases and even cancer. New studies show that many cancer-causing cells could be created and definitely thrive on these wastes and toxins we feed into our systems.

Tests Used to Diagnose Lung Cancer

It is being proven world wide that yeasts and fungus play important roles in cancer diseases. If you are a smoker, of course, it is recommended that you quit, but were you aware that one of the number one contaminants in tobacco is yeast bacteria's. Not only are you creating an unhealthy environment in your lungs by smoking any substance such as tobacco but also you are creating a domino effect against your personal health.

Inhaling smoke, which in reference restricts blood circulation, diminishes oxygen absorption into the blood stream, and sabotages your immune system. Not only are these effects wearing your body down but also by smoking, you are putting yeast directly into your respiratory system. By smoking and being unaware of your flora, you are creating a deadly playground with in your lungs.

Fascinating and Important Cancer Facts

Fighting Lung Cancer Choices

If you have battled the smoking bug or are implementing a smoking cessation program then we are on the right track. It is also going to be important to alter your diet in ways that you can be aware of to implement optimum health. This is important for everyday preventative cancer fighting regimens up to those even in later stages of cancer to support lung cancer cures.

Just because it is your lungs suffering the effects of poor life choices, your nutritional changes will affect your entire body, including the lungs. Several herbs and supplements promote healthy respiratory functions, and even fight fungal diseases. Researching these alternatives, which are safe for you are important in maintaining optimum health.

It is also necessary to rid your diet of foods that are known to be contaminated with fungus, such as many grains and even peanuts. Some including wheat, corn and barley contain fungus found as myco-toxins. It is time to learn what we put into our bodies and to research safe alternatives for our nutritional needs to maintain optimum health and keep on living.

Linkage of Genetics to Lung Cancer

Buying organic and local farm fresh products is not just an eccentric fad anymore, it is a staple to living well in an industrialized environment.Not only is it important to rid your bodies of toxins but we need to replace the safe enzymes and bacteria that these toxins and even medications can kill. By adding flora boosting supplements and alternative vitamins, we can build a healthier immune system and even lung cancer cures.

You do have simple and less costly alternative diet aides also. One Doctor has recommended that by taking baking soda in a diluted water solution before each meal greatly improve your alkaline levels. Investigate all your possibilities seeking alternative methods and if available spend time with a Natural Health Practitioner.
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Friday, March 26, 2010

Facts About Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is an often silent and deadly killer. It is the number one disease killing Americans. And more people die from this type of cancer than any other kind of cancer; breast, prostate, colon, liver, kidney and melanoma, combined. So far, this year, there are already 215 thousand new cases.

One of the big problems with this disease is that in most cases it is not diagnosed at their earliest, most curable stage. Most people are diagnosed so late that it's of no help to the patient, who often dies from it within a year.

The Lung Cancer Alliance tells us that it begins in the tissues of the lungs, most usually in the cells lining or the air passages and that the two main types are small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer.

There are several factors believed to lead to this type of cancer:

1. Increasing age - it doesn't strike as frequently in people under age 40. The numbers are slightly higher after age 45, then there is a larger jump in people over the age of 65.

2. Smoking - the most important risk factor in the development of lung cancer. Cigarettes expose the body to more than 4-thousand different dangerous chemicals. The Centers for Disease Control says that about 85-percent of all lung cancers in the U.S. are in people who currently smoke or who have smoked in the past. They note that even if you have quit smoking, the risk does not decrease the longer ago you quit and it never returns to zero.

3. Extended exposure to second-hand or passive smoke - the CDC reports that there are over 3-thousand lung cancer deaths a year attributable to second-hand smoke.

4. Exposure to radon - an invisible, tasteless, radioactive gas that occurs naturally in earth and rocks. This is the second leading cause in the United States.

5. Environmental carcinogens - including arsenic, asbestos, uranium, and diesel fuel.

6. Radiation therapy to the chest - if you have too many chest X-rays when you have a cough or are sick, they can add up.

7. Previous lung diseases like emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or tuberculosis can leave scars on the lungs.

8. Genetics or a family history of lung cancer - new U.S. research reveals that adults who are biologically related to someone who had lung cancer, especially if it was diagnosed before age 50, have an increased risk.

In its early stages, lung cancer has no symptoms. But the signs to watch for include a chronic cough, hoarseness, coughing up blood, weight loss and/or loss of appetite, shortness of breath, a high fever with no known reason, wheezing, repeated episodes of bronchitis or pneumonia, and chest pain.

Among the current approved treatments for lung cancer are Surgery, if used in the early stages of the tumor, it can be taken out, Radiation therapy, a form of high energy X-rays that kills the cancer cells, and Chemotherapy or drugs effective against cancer cells, injected directly into a vein, or taken by pill.
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Detection of cancer , Lung cancer types , Cure of lung cancer , Cancer articles , Symptoms of lung cancer 2012